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Begin at the Beginning

Real estate for real.

We showed the house.  And here we are, not even two weeks later, and we have a signed purchase offer, and the inspection was done today, and we have a closing date.... wow, once the ball starts rolling it picks up speed.

If all goes according to plan, we'll be handing over the keys to the new owners on June 16.

And as if that wasn't enough news, I also am now officially licensed as an LCSW in North Carolina.

Things are really starting to take shape.

The family that's buying the house is exactly the kind of family we want to take it over- really sweet young family with loving, caring parents- it makes my heart happy.

And at the same time, it's a little overwhelming.

There's the whole bittersweet thing- yes, it's what I want and I'm excited about the future. But we've lived here a long time, and saying goodbye to this house, which we put so much love and work into, is going to be emotional.

Then there's the whole "waiting for the next shoe to drop" anxiety that always precedes a big change for me. Having had the other shoe drop before, I know not to ever believe anything is definite until it's done.

Oh and- right we need to clean this house out. That's definitely overwhelming.

One step at a time, though, right? It'll all come together.

So the theme for today is: Just breathe.

So many thoughts, so little time.

I've been wanting to get on and write a blog post. Most days, something happens that makes me think, "That would be a good topic to write about." It may be a song that comes on, or a comment by a colleague, or an event- like, the recent showing of the house.  (That warrants its own post, stay tuned.)

Sometimes the title will even pop into my head and I think, "I just have to remember that until I get on the computer." But I don't. 

I've heard that "real" writers carry little notebooks with them, to jot down ideas as they come up. Sounds....quaint. I suppose I could try that.  I also have this handy dandy little device, where I could note things to remember- in writing or maybe even a voice recording.

The problem with this, though, is that inspiration strikes when I have zero access to these tools. While I'm driving. In the shower. While I'm in a session with a client.  And then I have to rely on my memory, which is a long shot these days.

And then, as if that weren't enough of an obstacle... there's the whole ENERGY thing. It takes energy to log into the computer and write the post, and frankly, I spend most of mine just getting through the days. I wouldn't say I've been struggling as much as I was mid-pandemic, I think that's pretty well under control. But I just feel mentally done by the end of the day most days. And, honestly, physically done as well. The idea of initiating a task- any task- is unappealing. I don't realize most of the time how much it costs me to show up a lot of the time lately, until I don't have to show up, and then I just shut down.

The days are getting longer, though, right? And theoretically the winter is winding down. Maybe that will spur some energy- like the running of the sap.

At least when I'm "in it", I'm on. And if I have to recuperate later on by stepping back from things I might otherwise want to do, so be it. The important things are getting done. And eventually I'll be able to reclaim the rest.