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Begin at the Beginning

Gathering no moss.

Things are rolling along here. We just had a week and a half of whirlwind travel: Ithaca to DFW via Detroit, a couple of days with the kids there, then a road trip (thanks Cam) to Little Rock to spend a couple of days with the kids there, then back to Ithaca (via Atlanta and Detroit) to pick up the dog at his boarder and then a road trip to NC, where we spent two days driving between North Topsail Beach and Leland (about an hour each way) where we looked at houses and then BACK to Ithaca.

WHEW. I'm exhausted. And also, excited. 

We looked at some really nice houses under construction with late summer/early fall completion dates.  As I type this, we're pre-approved for a mortgage and are waiting for the house we want to go on the market, scheduled to be tomorrow, so we can make an offer. Crossing our fingers that they asking price will be within our budget!  We're working with a very nice real estate agent who will let us know as soon as she knows the asking price. 

And.... tomorrow, I will also start telling people that I'm leaving my job.  I made a list of the people I need to tell in person, individually- there are a lot of them. When you've been someplace as long as I have, you make a lot of connections. I guess I was surprised by just how many people might actually care that I'll be leaving. And it makes me even more determined to be intentional in making new connections once we move.

I don't know if this post has a theme, other than that time marches on and we're moving closer to moving. One step at a time, day by day.  It's exciting. And, a little scary.