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Begin at the Beginning

Pondering Perpetual Motion

A colleague sent me this video link recently. She related it to the kids we work with, and the idea that when they're out of class and walking the halls, they're regulating their triggered brains.. something I agree with. The video was interesting.

I think what resonated the most for me was the idea of the healing powers of forward motion. And I would say that moving forward can be both literal and figurative.

This whole process of change for me this year feels like a marathon, and I'm not a marathon runner. I'm not even a marathon walker.  But I can take steps forward. And change like this happens in steps.

I took a step.  I started to look into getting my LCSW in NC. I emailed to find out who I send forms to and where to get test scores sent.  It gave things a sense of "real" in a different way. Once you take that step, well....

I'm not sure what all the steps will be yet, but I do know this: getting where I want to be is going to require that I keep taking them. Hence the theme of this post: Just Keep Swimming.