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Begin at the Beginning

The days are long, the weeks are short, the months are flying by.

Sometimes, I measure time in "how many left". How many Fridays? How many chiropractor appointments? How many more of these painful Tuesday morning groups?

Sometimes, I measure in "didn't I JUST.." Didn't I just fill my weekly medicine sorter? Didn't I just cut my nails? Didn't I just pay that bill?

And sometimes, I measure in "it's going so fast". We're running out of time to pack. We're running out of time to get the porch fixed. We're running out of time to get in all the appointments we still need to make.

And a lot of the time I feel double booked: how can I fit more into less time?

Time truly is relative.

One thing that I have to get better at is letting things happen in their time. Not stressing out about things I can't actually do anything about yet. Remembering that things always fall into place, and they don't all need to happen at once. That's hard for me.

I suppose this is a recurring theme: One thing at a time.