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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Sunday is the one day of the week I typically don't have to set an alarm.  It doesn't mean I sleep in; usually I still wake up around the same time as weekdays.  Sometimes I can drift back to sleep for a bit. But most of the time, we don't get up until we absolutely can't stay in bed any longer- usually because we're starving.  So from the time I wake up until the time I get up, which could be anywhere from 10:30-12:30 depending on how hungry I get, we have Sunday, Sunday, Sunday time.

No, not quite like that.

It's a time when I may do something productive on the laptop, but usually not. Usually, we just lounge. The TV may or may not be on (depends on when Chris wakes up). The dog snuggles in close. I grab my tablet to read or my phone to scroll Facebook or play a game. If Chris is so moved, he gets us coffee. Or, not. That's the point of Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. There is no plan- at least not until we get up.

If I'm lucky, after we get up I don't have anything too terribly pressing to do (the dust bunnies would agree they're not too pressing) so I do something I want to do. I read, I sew, I call a friend.  Sometimes the guilt of being lazy (and all those aforementioned dust bunnies) nags at me and I do some housework.  But the beauty of Sunday, Sunday, Sunday is that I'm the only one who dictates how I spend it. (Unless we're out of clean clothes. Sometimes the hamper dictates.)

I appreciate that Tucker is on board with the lounging plan.  In fact, I think he likes it even more than we do sometimes. 


I think we all need to have this time in our weeks- this time with no expectations, with flexibility, with choices. Used to be, if I wasn't doing something "productive", I worried there was something I was supposed to be doing that I forgot. Looking at it now, I believe there was something I forgot- to be a human being instead of just a human doing.

In art, I value the act of creating as much- if not more than- the thing that is created. I think that perspective is starting to inform my views of creating a life, too.  So that would be the theme of my Sunday, Sunday, Sunday post: Process Over Product.